Who is Cook Read Review for?
Do you like to read?
Do you like to eat?
Well, this is the blog for you.
Cook Read Review is for the hungry reader who is curious about what the food they read about in books would taste or look like, from the strange and wacky to the “that will make a good dish tonight for dinner.”
Who am I?

My name is Shay and I’m addicted to reading, like seriously I have a problem. 9 out of 10 times if you ask me what I’m doing, I’m reading a book.
I think this love started when my mom used to read books to me before bed when I was a kid. She used my love for reading to trick me into sleeping alone. She would tell me to start reading the book while she finishes off whatever she was doing for the night. In the beginning, I thought nothing of this but after a while, I realize that she took longer and longer to come to tuck me into bed and read with me. Before I knew it, I was halfway through my story and falling asleep with mum nowhere in sight. I’m still bitter about this trick but I’m thankful for the love of reading it developed.
From there I read everything I could get my hands on, some age appropriate and some ummmm lets just say I had no right reading harlequin romances at age 12. But when you’ve read all the age-appropriate books on the shelves at the supermarket, what else is a girl suppose to read?
Next is my love for food.
I’m a sucker for a good meal, snack, or dessert, especially dessert.
I learned to cook by watching my mother and imitating her. As a kid, I sat on the floor with my mixing bowl while my mother cooked on the stove. I want to take this time to apologize to my grandparents for all the creations I made them try and thank them for pretending that they loved them.
This love only grew as I got older. I experimented with baking and cooking various dishes. I remember one birthday, I declared that I was making my own birthday cake. Let’s just say it looked horrendous but hey it tasted great.
Join me in my Cook Read Review journey as I merge my two loves, reading and cooking. You can watch read my first post to learn more about me.
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram.