In the Pawn, Avery James is a pampered princess living her life effortlessly in high society..until one day everything comes falling down. Avery James’ father was caught stealing from people, some very powerful people, and the family lost everything. Someone got revenge by beating her father within an inch of his life. Now it’s Avery’s turn to save the family.
Avery is willing to give up everything to save her father. The only problem, is she has nothing to offer…but her virginity. To the highest bidder. For one month her life, her body is no longer her own.
It belongs to Gabriel Miller. I loved Gabriel, he’s dark mysterious dominating everything you need in a dark romance. You can tell that there’s more going on in this book than we are told and I am left with a lot of questions. Did Gabriel set everything up just to get Avery? The way everything is set up perfectly for her, the way he waits to take her virginity. I know there’s a bigger plan here, I just don’t know what. The book keeps you reading and guessing at the things that are not being said.
The Pawn is my first book by Sky Warren and I was not disappointed. I am intrigued and invested. My only qualm would be that as soon as it got to the good part, the book ended but I guess that’s what book 2 is for.

I loved the chess references in this book. You know sometimes you read a book and the title seems like it was pulled from thin air. Not this one, Avery James is exactly that a pawn, and I can’t wait to see her turn into a queen.
Food for thought
I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t remember reading about vegetable pot pie in this book. I thought the author would have gone with jambalaya which is mentioned at Avery’s graduation party. But off we are to try Sky Warren’s vegetable pot pie. Click here to see my recipe review.
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