Black Arts White Craft the trio is back again with their handy moth sidekick hunting black witches and taking names. Zombigoes are on the loose. What’s that? Zombie windigoes. Yea something I’d rather not see in real life.

Sidekick Colby gets to go on the adventure this time. Now that she’s come into her own as a familiar. I know I said I my review of book one that her form freaked me out. But now all I have to do is picture her with tiny foil weapons poking people in their eyes 🤣🤣🤣
Clay is still the same old loveable indestructible teddy bear. His relationship with rue is definitely giving me big brother vibes. For someone who is made of clay or as meg put it “ has rocks for brains”. He’s shown more humanity and compassion in this book than half the other characters.
Now Asa and Rue’s interaction gave me what I was looking for in book 1. Scrap that. Ace and Rue’s interaction gave me what I needed from this book. The weird rituals, the push, and pull. The possessiveness. Insert swoon emoji. To be honest, he would have had me at the cupcakes.

I can’t wait for Rue to meet daddy dearest. I wonder who would win in a battle for the worse parent/guardian. The director aka grandpappy or the demon king aka daddy dearest
Final thoughts.
I loved Black Arts White Craft just as much as I loved book one. Maybe even a bit more. The only downside is book three isn’t out yet. Black Curse White Cure. I’m waiting on you.
I chose to make the Maple Bacon French Toast Cupcake. Why? Because it sounded weird and interesting duhhhh.
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